Monday, 31 October 2011

Spring Leaves fall upward to the ground

Greece is having a referendum on whether it should change the retirement age from 55 so it can pay back Germany billions of dollars
Protesters don't see why Greece should pay any money back 

Germans don't retire till about 66 and they are the richest nation in Europe

Jesus said it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter ther kingdom of heaven. St Paul was the first Christian. The church is helping the City of London to throw out people protesting about the rich on the steps of.... St Paul's Cathedral

America is owned by the Chinese
Europe is about to be owned by the Chinese
America and Europe are so poor they may soon be in recession, if not depression
China needs both continents to be strong and successful, otherwise they will never see a dime back
China keeps its currency so weak that nobody can export into its country
America fought its fiercest and most divisive war against North Vietnam, backed by...The Chinese

Sons brothers and  fathers, daughters, sisters and mothers are losing their lives In a war that nobody understands and nobody can win. That's how they described the Western Front in 1916.

Soon it will be remembrance Sunday when we commemorate the War to end all wars...

Harold Wilson invented a University which would have free access to all, with just a nominal charge. It's called the Open University, where fees are now £5,000 per year

George Osborn says we are all in this together

Signor Berlusconi has the responsibility of ensuring that Europe's 3rd biggest country doesn't collapse!

How bout we all just start again!

Lewis Caroll for President